Retreat Sessions

DEI Panel Discussion
Sunday, November 6, 9:40-10:30 AM

Presenters:  Dr. Rebecca Tarvin, Emma Steigerwald, Dr. Dione Rossiter, and Dhruv Patel-Tupper

Moderated by:  Monica Arniella and Sahil Shah

Please welcome our DEI panel representatives for this year’s retreat! Our four invitees are members of the UC Berkeley community spanning different organizations from across campus that all strive to make science more linguistically inclusive and accessible to the public. The panel will include Dr. Rebecca Tarvin (Assistant Professor, Integrative Biology) and Emma Steigerwald (PhD candidate, Nielsen Lab) who will be representing the MVZ Translation Working Group, an interdisciplinary group aiming to develop best practices around representing more languages in scientific literature and communication. Dr. Tarvin also chairs the MVZ Fieldwork Working Group, which aims to establish training and guidelines for equitable fieldwork. We will also be joined by Dr. Dione Rossiter (Executive Director) representing Science at Cal, an organization that shares the excitement and relevance of Berkeley research with diverse audiences through public events, and works directly with researchers on campus to build sustainable and impactful science outreach initiatives. Lastly, we will have Dhruv Patel-Tupper (PhD candidate, Niyogi Lab) representing the CLEAR Project – a project encompassing several initiatives to improve communication, literacy, and education for agricultural research.