CCB Seminar: Single-cell genomic analysis of neural diversity in the vertebrate visual system

125 Li Ka Shing Center

Dr. Karthik Shekhar, University of California, Berkeley Abstract: Neurons, the building blocks of the brain, are diverse morphologically, molecularly and functionally. My research group studies neural diversity in the visual system, which comprises the brain regions involved in processing visual information (e.g. retina, thalamus, visual cortex). Using single-cell transcriptomics, we have recently mapped out a […]

CCB Seminar: High throughput data of regulation of transcription initiation in E.coli: updating concepts and datasets

Zoom Seminar

Dr. Pedro Julio Collado-Vides, National Autonomous University of Mexico High throughput data of regulation of transcription initiation in E.coli: updating concepts and datasets. Abstract: Based on close to 30 years of curating knowledge of regulation of transcription initiation in E.coli, I will present some examples of classic concepts that have to be expanded to deal […]

CCB Seminar: Technologies to speed the rate of discovery

125 Li Ka Shing

Dr. Alejandro Chavez, University of California, San Diego Abstract: During this presentation I will share three technologies designed to speed the rate at which small molecules are screened, protein function interrogated, and designer proteins are generated and tested. During the presentation each method will be described along with an example use case to illustrate the […]