CCB Industry Talk: Aviv Regev, Head, Executive Vice President of Genentech Research and Early Development, “Design for Inference in Biology, or How to learn the convolutions of life?”

Speaker Bio: Aviv Regev is the Head of Genentech Research and Early Development. Prior to Genentech, Regev served as Chair of the Faculty, Core Member, and Founding director of the Klarman Cell observatory at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and as Professor of Biology at MIT and Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical […]

Computational Biology Skills Seminar: Introduction to Jax from the Lens of Computational Biology

The Computational Biology Skills Seminars ( are taught by graduate students and focus on software tools, techniques, and libraries that are useful for researchers performing computation and data analysis. There is an emphasis on subjects related to the biological sciences, but many of the techniques are general and the seminar is open to students and […]