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Friday, October 25 Poster Pitch Session, 7:30-8:00 PM

Name Title

Oberon Dixon-Luinenburg (Ioannidis Lab)

7:30-7:35 PM

Learning the regulatory grammar of DNA sequence and methylation in accessible chromatin with deep convolutional neural networks

Kailey Ferger (Tsutsui Lab)

7:35-7:40 PM

Social organization shapes the evolution of the worker caste across Formicidae

Sergio Mares (Ioannidis Lab)

7:40-7:45 PM

Fine-tuning Protein Language Models for Enhanced Prediction of MHC I - Epitope Presentation

Michal Rozenwald (Streets and Urnov)

7:45-7:50 PM

Epigenome Editing meets Machine Learning to analyze DNA-Methylation-Based Human Gene Control at a single-molecule resolution

Carlos Albors (Song Lab)

7:50-7:55 PM

Pretraining Models on Whole Genome Alignments

Anna Dmitrieva (Williams Lab)

7:55-8:00 PM

DNA demethylation stabilizes epigenetic inheritance by preventing spontaneous epiallele formation

Friday, October 25 Poster Session I, 8:00-9:00 PM

Name Title
Burra, Prakruthi Reconstruction of splicing networks from scRNA-seq with interpretable models
Herath, Kithmini Locating macromolecules within crowded cellular environments with machine learning
LeBlanc, Claire Simple Neural Networks Integrating Biophysical Models Illuminate Key Features of Transcription Factor Activation Domains
Lemmon-Kishi, Maya Molecular Clock Calibration with Sedimentary Ancient DNA
Zintel, Marissa Screening Activation Domains Predicted by Machine Learning in Yeast

Saturday, October 26 Poster Session II, 8:00-9:00 PM

Name Title
Baylis, Mara Reevaluating Neanderthal Gene Flow: A Multi-Population Study into Landscape of Neanderthal Ancestry in Non-Africans
Deng, Yun Ultra-scalable reconstruction of genome-wide genealogies
Faizi, Marjan Trias: A Seq2Seq Model for Generating Eukaryotic mRNA Sequences and Studying Codon Usage Rules
Giammar, Matthew Integrating tomography information with two-dimensional template matching for better particle localization and confidence in cryo-EM
Johnson, Sarah Detecting Superarchaic introgression in modern humans
Lee, Philip Surrogate Modeling for Infectious Disease Dynamics Using Machine Learning
Lewinsohn, Daniel Extracting interpretable single-cell metabolic states with graph-guided representation learning
Lo, Johnathan Catostomid genetics
McLoughlin, Aidan Integrative Deep Multi-Learning for Predicting and Biclustering Cancer Drug Responses (impaCluster)
Perez, Jules Genetic diversity and history of plant species in the Red List 
robson, eyes Enformation Theory: A Framework for Evaluating Genomic AI
Stevens, Danielle Using the past to predict the future: how receptor-epitope variation can inform plant pathogen outcomes
Sutherland, Chandler Contributions of Mutation and Selection to the Evolution of Plant Immune Receptors
 Cramer, Nathan Spatial Genomic Scale and Determinants of Human Germline Mutation Landscape

   Wei, Wei                          Analyzing NLR intraspecies expression variation by in silico promoter bashing