CCB Seminar: Evolutionary forces shape the genetic architecture of complex traits

125 Li Ka Shing Center

Dr. Ryan Hernandez, UCSF Talk will also be broadcast via Zoom: Abstract: Human evolutionary history has included waves of migration across the world, substantial population bottlenecks, and super exponential growth. Humans have also experienced rapid adaptation to novel environments and pathogens, as well as the relentless force of purifying selection purging deleterious mutations. While […]

CCB Seminar: New tools for multi-modal precision measurement of single cells

Talk by Aaron Streets (Professor of Bioengineering, UC Berkeley) Zoom link: Abstract: The study of biology at the single-cell level has relied on the development of precision measurement tools. Our research is focused on developing new technology for multimodal, precision measurement of single cells to move beyond cataloging cell types and push towards gaining a mechanistic […]